

艾尔文社区学院 prohibits sexually violent acts, termed “Sexual Misconduct.” 哪些也是犯罪. 不当性行为包括未经双方同意的性交, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation, interpersonal relationship violence, 性/性别跟踪和性骚扰. 而vns7908威尼斯城官网利用 standards and definitions similar to the Texas Code, sexual misconduct often overlaps with crimes of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence 家庭暴力. 有关完整的学生信息,请参阅ACC学生 手册,权利和责任 豆荚/校园服务/学生支持或当地 ACC的政策 FFDA, Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation/Sex and Sexual Violence. 


Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; sexually motivated physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct; or other conduct or communication 性的. Students or employees can report allegations of sexual harassment 使用以下方法之一:

1.  提交匿名投诉.
2.  提交投诉 上面会包括你的名字和其他相关信息.


If you are the victim of sexual assault, some or all of these safety suggestions may 在事故发生后指导你.

  • 去一个安全的地方,和你信任的人谈谈.
  • If there is any immediate danger while on campus contact 校园警察 at 281-756-3700 如果你不在学校,也可以拨打911.
  • For your safety and well-being, immediate 就医 is encouraged. 此外, being examined as soon as possible, ideally within 120 hours, is important in the 强奸或性侵犯案件. 医院会安排专门的体格检查 免费.
  • To preserve evidence, it is recommended that you do not bathe, shower, douche, eat, drink, smoke, brush your teeth, urinate, defecate or change clothes before receiving 就医.
  • If you have physical injuries, photograph them with a date stamp on the photo.
  • Record the names of any witnesses, and their contact information. 这个信息 may be helpful to the proof of a crime, to obtain an order of protection or to offer 违反校规的证明.
  • Try to memorize details including the physical description, names, license plate number, car description or write notes to remind you of details, if you have time and the 这样做的能力.
  • 如果你获得外部保护令.g. 限制令,禁令, protection from abuse, please notify 校园警察 (H132) or the campus Title IX Coordinator (F109)以便在校园内遵守这些命令.
  • Consider securing immediate professional support/resources (e.g. 咨询,受害者 宣传、医疗服务等.)来帮助你解决危机. 更多的资源 be found at the Attorney General of Texas sexual assault/information for adult survivors 网页.
  • If you are on campus during regular business hours, you may go to the 招生 Office and request to speak with a Licensed Professional Counselor on staff.
  • If a report has been filed in Brazoria County, assistance may also be obtained from 布拉佐里亚县妇女中心281-585-0902.
  • Contact the 艾尔文社区学院 Police Department 281-756-3700 if you need assistance with college related concerns, such as Protective or No-contact orders or other protective 措施. The Women’s Center of Brazoria County and the Alvin Police Department Crime Victim Liaison will also assist in any needed advocacy for students who wish to obtain 地方当局发出的保护或限制令. 学院能够提供 reasonable academic accommodations, transportation accommodations, escorts, no contact orders, counseling services and other supports and resources as needed by a victim.


性侵犯 can be defined as any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs by force or without consent of the recipient of the unwanted sexual activity. 落入 definition of sexual assault is sexual activity such as forced sexual intercourse, 猥亵儿童,乱伦,爱抚,强奸未遂. 它包括性行为 people who are unable to consent either due to age or lack of capacity.

The complete Texas rape and sexual assault offense definitions are listed in 德州刑法典第22条.011 下面列出了.

Intentional touching of another person’s intimate parts without that person’s consent; or
Other intentional sexual contact with another person without that person’s consent; or
Coercing, forcing, or attempting to coerce or force a person to touch another person’s intimate parts without that person’s consent; or

Rape, which is penetration, no matter how slight, of (1) the vagina or anus of a person by any body part of another person or by an object, or (2) the mouth of a person by 未经他人同意而获得他人的性器官.

Where the assailant uses force, fear or threats to accomplish sexual intercourse against 配偶的遗嘱. 这项法律规定被称为“配偶强奸法”.”


Besides sexual assault, other sexual offenses include the following.

  • 鸡奸(强迫肛交)
  • 口腔性交(强迫口腔与生殖器接触)
  • rape by a foreign object (forced penetration by a foreign object, including a finger)
  • sexual battery (the unwanted touching of an intimate part of another person for the 性唤起的目的)

跟踪手册 德州反性侵协会(TAASA)

Consent must be informed, voluntary, and mutual, and can be withdrawn at any time. There is no consent when there is force, expressed or implied, or when coercion, intimidation, 使用威胁或胁迫. 一个人是否占了地位 influence over another person may be a factor in determining consent.  沉默或 没有抵抗并不意味着同意.

Past consent to sexual activity with another person does not imply ongoing future consent with that person or consent to that same sexual activity with another person.  If a person is mentally or physically incapacitated or impaired so that such person cannot understand the fact, nature, or extent of the sexual situation, there is no consent; this includes impairment or incapacitation due to alcohol or drug consumption 符合这个标准,或者睡着或失去知觉.

Bystander intervention is when a bystander witnesses a potentially harmful or dangerous 他们有能力做出反应.